Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Fix Safari Problem After Jailbreak ios7

Hello everyone,
Today I will show you how to fix Safari & Weather & other Apple Stock Apps crash without restoring!
First this issue most of times happen if you install the wrong Appsync in iOS 7.x like installing Appsync iOS 6 on iOS 7.x and this is wrong of course
Please note that this issue happened on iOS 6
1. Uninstall all Appsync Cydia Apps even iOS 7.x Appsync
2. Reboot your iDevice
3. Delete these 2 files : "" , "" where are located in var/mobile/library/caches
P.S: If "" file is not available, it's OK!

4. Reboot (It is normal if some of your apps/folders are not available after the reboot, they will come back after steps)
5. Install iOS 7.x Appsync

6. Reboot

7. FINISH! Your apps should come back now!

P.S: If this didn't work at the first time, do it again, that's because of some issues with some devices

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